If Dr. Trump Were Your Surgeon

"If Dr. Trump Were Your Surgeon", an editorial written by New York Times writer Nicholas Kristof, mainly mocks the recent news of the republican health care ban by providing a story or situation of "Dr. Trump" being a heart surgeon. Kristof is a credible writer, as he has been involved as a columnist in the New York Times since 2001.  His main intended audience for this piece of writing is probably those who find humor in our President's ideals, those who support Obama Care, and probably mainly liberals rather than conservatives. Anyone who really thinks trump is a joke would get a kick out of this article. Kristof's basic argument is that Trump is not someone who is a reliable person to speak or make decisions about health care, as he recently tried to remove health care from 20 million Americans. He uses more of an appeal to humor, rather than a more structural form of writing to tap into to the readers emotions. By making the joke about the patient having to tell Trump what side of her chest her heart is on, he basically calls Trump someone who knows little and isn't very educated, even about the most basic things, strengthening his argument that he should not be making decisions about healthcare. By implying that when the woman needs a new transplant and Trump doesn't have a plan for her after he removes her heart, Kristof is highlighting that after Trump plans to remove Obama Care, he has no further ideas for a new health care plan and hasn't thought ahead of time at all, implying he basically doesn't know what he's doing. When the patient mentions her last doctor, "Dr. Obama", and says how much he helped, Kristof writes Trump to talk about how awful he thinks Obama is and how much he ruined everything, regardless of if the "patient" believed Obama did help. Trump also says it's a horrible idea that she's informed, implying he doesn't believe the citizens of America should be informed about healthcare and that he should be able to make whatever decisions he pleases, having no thought for our country and society. In the article, "Dr.Trump" also blames all democrats and that he should "let the patients fail", implying he believes the democrats are all to blame and that Obama Care will fail, regardless of the fact he knows nothing about healthcare. By ending the article with the patient telling Trump to take her heart because she believes Trump needs it, Kristof explains how he feels about who Trump is as a person and that he believes Trump doesn't care for the well being of Americans because he wants to ban a health care system that has helped so many people. Nicholas Kristof obviously does not support Trump as our President, or in the least does not support him making decisions about health care. Personally I agree with Kristof's argument, as Trump was not qualified for President in the first place and now wants to do something as drastic as take away health care from millions of people in a system that was working, just because he can.


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