Trump who?

In my opinion, Trump's recent military ban on transgenders was an awful and discriminating action. On Wednesday, July 26th, President Trump posted a series of three tweets explaining that the United States government would not continue to allow transgender individuals to enter the military. The tweets came with a backlash of negative reactions, calling Trump discriminating and a liar. I agree that overall Trump is doing an awful job of serving as our President and that this was just one more thing added to the list.

Honestly, even if you don't agree with or understand the LGBT community, I don't mind that. Even though I support those citizens, I don't hate others who don't and I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion. That being said, one thing I do not think is okay is a discrimination or hate towards one certain group and that's exactly what Trump is doing. He may say it's because of the costs and disruption they entail, but statistically, those costs aren't comparable to other ones. Did you know that the government spends $84 billion on erectile dysfunction medication for those serving in the military and only about $8.4 billion on transgender medical costs for those serving in the military?  With Trump's logic, we shouldn't be allowing those with certain "personal" problems to enter the military because their "problems" cost us $84 billion annually.

Not only do I have a problem with Trump's discrimination towards transgender citizens in general, he also lied to that whole LGBT community. Honestly, whats new though? Who doesn't he lie to? In 2016 while running for office, Trump told the country he would protect the rights of those in the LGBT community, even defending Caitlyn Jenner (formally Bruce Jenner), a famous transgender reality television star. Now it's July 2017 and he is doing the complete opposite of that, singling out a group from fighting for our country, one of the bravest and noble things someone can do.

People may make counter arguments asking "Why should they serve in the military?" and I believe that they deserve to be able to just like everyone else does, they are citizens of the United States and if they wanna protect and fight for our country, heck yeah!!! I know I wouldn't have the guts to do that, so kudos to everyone that wants to, they deserve to regardless of their race or gender or religion or sexuality or anything for that matter. Trump's and the military's decision was honestly stupid, and it gave me another reason (on top of many), to not like who he is as a President or as a person


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